Alexander is a dedicated design student at Münster University of Applied Sciences. With extensive professional experience both before and during his studies, he has continuously developed his skills in various projects. His ability to quickly translate ideas into visual representations is particularly outstanding. As a true team player, he leads group projects efficiently and goal-oriented. In the projects, he has set himself the goal of creating real added value through good design.

Clever Food
transparency in nutrition
"Clever Food" aims to develop a design campaign that makes food ingredients more transparent and educates consumers about healthy eating. At a time when interest in food content and manufacturing processes is growing, many ingredients often remain opaque and difficult to understand for the average consumer. This project incorporates various visual elements, including infographics, packaging design, online platforms, social media content and physical exhibitions or events. The focus is on usability and aesthetics to appeal to a broad target group and promote understanding of healthy eating. The campaign aims to help consumers make better informed choices and contribute to better overall nutrition and health.
Geprüft von: Prof. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen & Dipl.-Des. Paul Bičište