Anna Christina
During the study, you will learn above all, the design implementations of individual tasks, how ideas can be solidified and whether a project can really be designed with precision. This creates new challenges and which often leads to abandoning your comfort zones. The study shows that the everyday life of a designer is colorful and it sharpens the creativity skill. So strictly speaking, one is constantly encouraged to tackle new design possibilities, to become bolder and to increase existing knowledge. Studies can be nerve-wracking at times, but the time spent Studying is educational and it shapes your character in many ways.The implementation of the technical design processes are refined through the design studies; at the same time, deficits can be corrected.

the lies of human parents
In my project, various topics are addressed, which I illustrate in a child-friendly way. I want to show how quickly a marginal group (represented by the monsters) is labeled as “evil and dangerous” by negative statements and how quickly children are influenced by the stories. In my work, the protagonists have to address their fears and fight against existing prejudices. For a while I wasn't sure, if I could really portray the horror part of my story in a child-friendly way. That’s why I found developing the character design of my Monster Avatar particularly difficult. In general, I was able to bring in a personal touch into the project with my favorite genre of horror. On the whole, the focus is on the creative implementation of my illustrations, which I focus on with great attention to detail. The decision for the children's book was made quickly, partly because I wanted to create an exciting story to read to my nephews and nieces
Geprüft von: Prof. Felix Scheinberger & Pei-Yu Chang M.A.