Whether she has grown during her studies is uncertain. However, she is sure that she thoroughly enjoyed working with 3D visualizations and is eager to explore them further. In her everyday life, she finds inspiration in absurd connections and contradictions.
These unique observations, which often bring a smile, also inspire deeper contemplation. Her talent for transforming the ordinary and seemingly mundane into something special is evident in her projects, which always convey a profound message.

The Invisible
Photo Documentation of Cleaners
In my thesis, I document cleaners and toilet facilities that we all use almost every day. Cleaners find toilets the most challenging area to work in and often remain invisible; their work remains hidden. The invisible is often understood as that which lies beyond immediate perception. It refers to aspects of reality that exist and are important but are not directly seen or perceived. With portrait photos and interviews, I want to give cleaners a space in which they can show and tell about themselves.
The toilet as a space also reflects cultural and social norms and taboos. I want to use toilets as a metaphor for the hidden and the repressed in society. It is a space that is necessary but is often excluded from public discourse - just like the cleaning staff. With the toilets visualized in 3D, I hope that viewers will make the connection between the places we use and the work of the cleaning staff.
Geprüft von: Prof. Wenzel S. Spingler & Hendrik Otremba M.A.