Drop In, Frame it, einstückbruch, and the Arrow Dynamic Bottle - Just as versatile as Farina's projects are, so diverse are the experiences she was able to gather during her studies. The focus of her projects so far has been on combining innovative design, storytelling, and sustainability. However, she considers her greatest strength in design to be her empathy, which enables her to create in a customer-focused and well-founded manner. She has drawn inspiration from the small, beautiful things in everyday life, nice music, and nature, especially the picturesque idyll of Sweden. Out of all her projects, Budenzauber remains particularly close to her heart.

Concept and Development of Brand Identity and Sustainable Packaging for Waterless Soap
What is your project about?
My work focuses on the development of sustainable packaging for waterless soap in the outdoor sector and the brand building of an international brand. This bachelor thesis was created in cooperation with the start-up „Soapi2Go,“ which has developed a sustainable soap that works completely without water. The packaging is made from sustainable materials, is fully compostable, and not only reduces plastic waste but also conserves our most important resource: water.
Were there challenges you had to overcome?
A particular challenge was the novelty of the product. The design and brand must emphasize the product's uniqueness and meet the specific requirements of a hygiene product.
How could the project continue / develop further?
I hope to continue supporting Soapi2Go in product design even after my bachelor's thesis. Soapi2Go has great potential to make the world more sustainable, and I am eager to continue this mission.
Geprüft von: Prof. Steffen Schulz & Dr. Peter Schneider