Jasmin Franziska Maria
During her studies, Jasmin primarily focused on communication design. However, she also had a passion for illustration, which led her to take many courses in that field. It is important to her as a designer to explore the world, which is why she studied in Canada for two semesters. Traveling is essential for her because that's where she finds her inspiration. By experiencing new cultures, she can unleash her creativity and grow as a designer.

Love your fucking self. A bookazine with content and exercises on the topic of self-love.
What is the focus of your work?
My bookazine aims to provide information as well as practical guidance. The design of the bookazine is consciously dynamic to reflect the intense and often chaotic emotions associated with the process of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
What particularly motivated or inspired you about this project?
I struggled with this myself for a long time and consumed various sources on the topic. It often bothered me that there was no consolidated place to inform oneself about this topic.
How have you grown in your process?
The tasks and questions constantly accompanied me, which actually positively influenced my attitude. It was an intense experience that brought me a lot, not only in terms of content but also personally.
What are your thoughts on the future of the project? F
undamentally, a bookazine alone is not sufficient to spread self-love. It was merely the first step I took in my bachelor project. Long-term, it would be beneficial to build a community around this topic, encompassing a strong social media presence, podcasts, and more.
Geprüft von: Prof. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen & Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz