Lina has a preference for learning new things, exploring different topics and expressing her ideas visually. During her studies, she developed a passion for illustration. She draws her inspiration mainly from small everyday moments – whether through conversations, new experiences, or time spent in nature. Her greatest strength lies in her empathy, which allows her to understand others and see things from different perspectives.

Come out of your shell
A picture book for introverted children and teenagers
What is your project about?
My project is about introversion. Being quiet and reserved is often seen as a weakness and introverted people are often made to feel that they need to change. With my picture book, I want to show kids and young people what it means to be an introvert, the strengths and abilities of being an introvert, and clear up some prejudices.
“Come out of your shell” tells the story of an introverted snail who is pushed to change. But as the story progresses, she learns to stay true to herself and to appreciate the beautiful sides of her quiet, withdrawn nature. This metaphorical narrative is meant to emphasize the feelings and emotions and illustrate the theme in a light and humorous way.
What inspired you in particular?
As a child, and until today, I've been told many times that I should be louder, more talkative and more outgoing. So for a long time, I felt like something was wrong with me. It wasn't until I realized that I was an introvert that I was able to accept that sometimes I just have different needs. I hope that with this book, introverted children and young people will feel a little more understood.
Geprüft von: Prof. Cornelia Haas & Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz