Loya discovered her passion for motion pictures during her studies. Through the realisation of various projects in the fields of animation, motion graphics and live-action film, she was able to gain extensive knowledge in storytelling, conception and technical implementation. She draws inspiration from everyday encounters, stories and observations, whether at a cosy coffee meeting with friends or during evening walks.

Animated short about a childhood during World War II
What is your work about?
The short film tells the story of my grandmother during the Second World War. Jeanne, five years old at the beginning of the war, grows up in a small village in Alsace. During the turbulent war period, she experiences the conflict between Germany and France on several levels. In an uncertain world, her family gives her stability and comfort.
What in particular moved or inspired you to create the project?
The big inspiration for this project was, of course, my grandmother. I had wanted to ask her about her experiences during the war for a long time and I thought the stories she shared with me should be told.
Geprüft von: Prof. Henning Tietz & Pei-Yu Chang M.A.