As a passionate communication designer, Pauline Steinhübel not only creates print products, but also conveys emotions and tells stories. Studying at the MSD has enabled her to experiment, question and expand her creative horizons. Music, exhibitions and interacting with people from all over the world are just some of the sources of inspiration for her individual projects.

about sound-rage
installation and brochure about misophonia
What is your work about?
My installation and the explanatory brochure address misophonia. This is a barely researched disorder that involves a selective sensitivity to sound. Subjective “triggers”, such as eating noises, trigger strong emotions in those affected, including physical symptoms such as a racing heart or sweating.
What in particular motivated or inspired you to work on the project?
Millions of people in Germany suffer from the same disorder and most of them have no idea what it is called: misophonia. I suffer from it myself and for a long time I wondered what was wrong with me. I only heard the term “misophonia” by chance and finally had a name for my problem. I realized that I wasn't alone in this and set myself the goal of raising awareness. By providing targeted information, those affected can be helped and the people around them can show understanding.
Geprüft von: Prof. Daniel Braun & Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz