Raja Marianne
What inspired and animated you in your day to day Life as a Designer?
Personal topics in particular provide the needed encouragement to process them in a project. But other media such as films and video games also inspire with their stories and sometimes unique art styles.
What would you consider to be your greatest strength in the Design Field?
Her greatest strengh would be the variety of different Artstyles suited for many different types of Projects.

The Bird and the Spider
A Hero‘s Journey about Fears
What is your project about?
My Comic is about a classic Hero‘s Journey that deals with various fears that one is likely to confront in the course of their life. The fear of the future, which plays a major role in my story, is embodied by a giant spider that the heroine has to face.
Will the heroine defeat the spider in the end?
What inspired or motivated you in particular to create your project?
Beside my personal experiences, I was inspired also by video games like „Gris“, which deal with depression and grief.
In addition, „Gris“ and games like „Necropolis“, „Journey“ and „Hollow Knight“ contributed to my chosen art style.
Were there any particular challenges you overcame?
My comic is supposed to tell the story without text or speech bubbles
With the help of friends I have already been able to solve some comprehension problems. I hope that my comic will be intelligible to everyone as it progresses.
How could the project continue?
I can imagine portraying different fears through more spiders or other „monsters“ in the comic. These fears are to be overcome by the heroine and other characters to show that we are rarely alone with our problems.
So I hope to continue the comic in the future with more time.
Geprüft von: Prof. Felix Scheinberger & Diplom in der Bild. Kunst Meike Staats