Sandra Anna
Sandra, the sunshine in the screen printing workshop at MSD, draws a lot of inspiration from her tutor work and contact with her fellow students. The experiences she had while preparing for her semester abroad in Australia and life there have allowed her to grow in her design personality. She draws her caprice from the typography she discovers in her surroundings. She was particularly fascinated by the font combinations she encountered, with the tourists in the rain, when they were on an excursion to Vienna. Her greatest strength lies in poster design, which she enriches with harmonious and invigorating color combinations. She brings this creative work to life in the screen printing workshop, where she particularly loves challenging multi-color prints. During her time as a student, she learned to appreciate the freedom she feels when she can live out her passion for dancing during many a party all-nighter.

Beyond Posters
Creativity. Innovation. Collaboration. Exchange. A platform enabling creative encounters.
In this innovative design project, creatives from Germany and Australia come together to collaborate on unique posters. Through quick and easy design sessions, each participant contributes their own artistic touch to the evolving artwork. By exchanging their creations with one another, the designers and artists build upon each other‘s ideas, resulting in a truly collaborative poster. This process not only fosters creativity and inspiration but also establishes a connection between the participants that may lead to future collaborations. The project serves as a platform for cultural exchange and artistic growth, bridging the gap between two distant creative communities. In addition, scientific texts, interviews and critical texts will be published in a small edition that deals with design, the Indigenous art scene in Australia and its collaborative work and the invisibility of this in Germany. Experts will also be interviewed on how they work collaboratively, what they gain from it and how design education can be moved towards more collaborative projects.
Geprüft von: Prof. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen & Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz