Sharina Hernandez is of second generation descent to two Filipino migrants. Sharina remains deeply rooted in the Filipino culture and aims to bridge the values of her upbringing alongside her discipline. Her determination in the field has enabled her to delve deeply into complex topics and consistently think in a solution-oriented manner. She is particularly fascinated by the functionality of everyday products and constantly seeks ways to make daily life more efficient and pleasant. The fusion of cultural depth and a modern problem-solving mentality makes her an inspiring personality who enriches her surrounding environment.

Design for Well-being
The development of everyday products for stress management
What is your thesis about?
In my bachelor's thesis, I aim to explore the connection between product design and mental health. Products have a direct or indirect impact on us, e. g. through their form, color, size, and texture. There is also a relationship between the use of objects and mental health through stress reduction. The goal of this project is to develop low-threshold, everyday solutions that can be applied outside of therapeutic settings. Additionally, the project seeks to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, promoting broader societal acceptance.
What specifically inspired you to undertake this project?
The inspiration for this project came from observations in my personal environment and the relationships those closest to me have with mental health complications. I wondered how we might prevent or at least alleviate this suffering through the means of my medium. I recognized that my field of work could have significant positive impacts towards mental health in a completely different avenue. Combining my knowledge in product design and concern for mental health advocacy I am able to pitch a contemporary product that can truly transform one’s everyday routine.
How could the project progress?
The project could continue with the development of innovative, everyday products designed specifically to support individuals during unpredictable changes in their mental state. Due to the lack of research and practical approaches in this field, there is great potential to create solutions that provide direct assistance.
Geprüft von: Prof. Carolin Schreiber & Dipl.-Des. Matthias Burhenne